Scatter plots of the Spectral
Area Ratio (SAR) against the three time-domain parameters for the
VT (n=10) and non-VT patients (n=14):
plotted vs. QRS duration in patients with sustained VT (stars), and non-VT
patients (diamonds)
diamonds: non-VT
stars: VT |
SAR plotted
vs. V40 (rms voltage during the terminal portion of the QRS) in patients
with sustained VT (crosses), and non-VT patients (squares)
squares: non-VT
crosses: VT |
SAR plotted vs. LAS
(duration of the the terminal portion of the QRS, below 40 uV) in patients
with sustained VT (crosses), and non-VT patients (circles)
circles: non-VT
crosses: VT |