Welcome to Boris Gramatikov’s Educational Website

Selected short topics from biomedical optics and electronics, biophotonics, signal processing, pediatric ophthalmology and retinal scanning

Useful for students majoring in biomedical or electrical engineering, biophysicists, medical students and medical doctors who are interested in ophthalmic optics, electronics, biophotonics, signal processing, decision making and medical instrumentation

 Retinal Birefringence Scanning

Amblyopia (“Lazy Eye”)

Pediatric Vision Screeners

Continuous Wavelet Transform

Autoregressive Spectral Estimation

Optical Coherence Tomography

Automated Focus Detection

Modeling of systems that change the polarization state of light

The dynamics of pupil dark adaptation

Continuous monitoring of central fixation for identification of ADHD

Attention attraction when working with young children

Central Fixation Monitor with No Moving Parts

Digital Signal Processors

Embedded Systems

Eye Tracking using an RBS system with no moving parts

Laser Safety

Using statistical methods to detect central fixation in a pediatric vision screener

A shutter glasses controller for visual stimulation using multithreading

A novel no-moving-parts sensor for detection of eye fixation

Using artificial neural network for detection of central fixation and eye alignment

More to come…


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